Le Takobiki, ou couteau à pieuvre, est un couteau traditionnel japonais qui est originaire de Tokyo. Sa pointe peu tranchante permet au Chef d’émincer les parties cuites, qui se recourbent à la cuisson, sans abîmer les parties de chair crue.
The takobiki is a variation of the yanagi and is used to slice straight-cut sashimi. It's thin body makes cutting thin slices of fish easier than the yanagi. The rounded tip and balanced weight works well on difficult ingredients such as octopus, from which it gets its name.
The takobiki is a variation of the yanagi and is used to slice straight-cut sashimi. It's thin body makes cutting thin slices of fish easier than the yanagi. The rounded tip and balanced weight works well on difficult ingredients such as octopus, from which it gets its name.